cafe cored wire

CaFe Cored Wire

What is CaFe cored wire?

        As its name implied, CaFe cored wire, is composed of calcium and iron with a certain proportion, is commonly used in the steel industry as an additive during steelmaking processes. The cored wire is typically inserted into molten steel to introduce specific elements and improve its properties.

Applications of CaFe cored wire

Deoxidation: CaFe cored wire is used for deoxidizing molten steel. Calcium has a strong affinity for oxygen, and by introducing CaFe cored wire into the steel bath, it reacts with oxygen and forms calcium oxide (CaO). This helps in reducing the oxygen content in the steel, preventing the formation of undesirable oxides.

Desulfurization: Calcium is also effective in reducing sulfur content in steel. CaFe cored wire facilitates desulfurization by reacting with sulfur in the molten steel to form calcium sulfide (CaS), which can be easily removed.

Inclusion Modification: The addition of calcium through CaFe cored wire helps in modifying the size, shape, and composition of non-metallic inclusions in steel. This contributes to the improvement of steel cleanliness and mechanical properties.

Alloying: CaFe cored wire is sometimes used as an alloying agent, contributing to the enhancement of certain properties in steel. It can be employed to adjust the calcium and iron content in the steel to achieve specific metallurgical requirements.

Control of Residual Elements: The use of CaFe cored wire allows for better control over residual elements in steel. It can assist in reducing or controlling the levels of elements such as oxygen, sulfur, and other impurities.

Improve Fluidity and Castability: The addition of calcium can enhance the fluidity of molten steel, making it easier to cast into desired shapes. This is particularly important in processes like continuous casting.

Microalloying: CaFe cored wire can be part of microalloying strategies to achieve specific microstructural characteristics in the steel, leading to improved strength and toughness.

Specification of CaFe cored wire

Ca Fe Al Diameter
30% min 70% max 0.8% max 9/13/16 mm


