what's ferro titanium cored wire

What’s Ferro Titanium Cored Wire

What’s Ferro Titanium Cored Wire?

        Ferro titanium(FeTi) cored wire, as its name implied, it is made by ferro titanium as core materials and wrapped with steel strips.

Specification of Ferro Titanium Cored Wire

Ti Al Si Diameter
65 - 75% 5% max 1% max 9 / 13mm


        Price for ferro titanium(FeTi) cored wire stayed in high level due to support of high titanium iron powder after the Spring Festival. In contemporary mainstream market, quotation of 70 FeTi cored wire is about USD 3970-4360/MT in Liaoning and it is higher than Henan slightly.

        Most of ferro titanium(FeTi) cored wire factories mainly process the order signed in early term. While, at this moment, new orders delay in entering the market. Some people who are responsible for FeTi cored wire factory forecast market will keep stable for a short term in the future.

Ferro Titanium Cored Wire Applications

  • Deoxidizer;
  • Degassing agent;
  • Carbon sulphur stabilizer

        First of all, deoxidizing by titanium can improve quality and yield of steel. Furthermore, titanium can also react with nitrogen dissolved in molten steel under high temperature condition and generates titanium nitride. The chemical equation is as below:

2Ti + N2 = 2TiN

        It will affect the properties of steel if a large amount of nitrogen is dissolved in molten steel. Meanwhile, titanium can also react with sulphur in the molten steel, it causes embrittlement formed.

        TiC is generated by Ti and C, it can prevent steel grains from growing and improve the strength of steel. Recently, ferro titanium has been used to produce high-strength low-alloy steel. It has excellent effect on degassing, keeping warm, purifying and others.

        Last but not least, Ti has a strong fixed nitrogen effect and consummates steel strength. You can procure different FeTi cored wire from JINLI GROUP depending on your different requirements.


